Friday, February 11, 2011

The Journey called Life

Why does your Destinations always keep changing, but there is one thing which never changes, no matter matter whether you reach your destinations or not? Even then we tend to strive hard to reach that illusive destination, ignoring something which leads us there? We always ignore the "Journey"... Isn't it?

We try too hard for something that might or might not happen. But we give a damn to what's happening. This life too, in a way, is too simple, that we try and complex it to make it simpler. In the Process we end up getting tangled in a web. Life, as we see it can also be interpreted in a totally contradictory manner. Perceptions matter, and so do facts!
When we're in school, we wait for the time when we would pass out of this living hell, and then we finally do, we have tears in our eyes. Later, we miss those moments, coz we know they won't be repeated ever again. Yet we wish we can turn the time back. We fight a person, and try n avoid something/somebody all the time we're there.. and finally when the time comes to leave, it strikes that all the while we were busy planning for the destinations, we've missed the journey. You have it now, you got what you wanted! And you don't want it anymore. You still want to be there fighting with that person, coz it was your journey. It ended there and now a new journey would begin, for which you might not be ready.
The best thing about life is that you only enjoy the journey when you don't want to enjoy it... that is unknowingly. When you learn this fact and try to enjoy the journey, it loses its charm... The journey becomes boring! Complicated... isn't it?
Make your journey simpler... Try making your today better so as to build a great tomorrow. Seeking for tomorrow won't help. Don't plan your tomorrow; Plan your today. And let tomorrow do its job. When the base is strong.. the building on it is always beautiful.
Similarly, some of us, crave for death all the time because they are so fuckin' pissed off with the life. But when the time really comes to bid good-bye, they realize all they have done is to wait for this moment. It is here finally and they cannot make any more destinations. It was their journey. And its over. They could have made their journey better. That is the very reason, you miss a person whom you used to fight and that fight is no longer there.... as the journey has switched paths.
The Journey of life a very simple in complexities. It is the way you want it. For sure, the destination can't be guaranteed, the journey sure can.

1 comment:

Balu said...

Very nice article on Journey called life, i liked the sentence "When the base is strong.. the building on it is always beautiful"