Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Most Beautiful Lady in this World

"The Best part of beauty is that no picture can express."
"The most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched...they can just be felt"
"Beauty is not caused. It is"

For the last 5 hours, I have been trying to find the quote that perfectly describes the wonder and the appreciation for the most beautiful thing you ever saw. But I gave up. Soon I realised I must not start this post up with a quote. And accidentally I uttered a reason for it:

"I have Realised that finding a quote for the most beautiful thing in this world, is actually hampering its beauty..."

These were the perfect lines which described it for this post, and it happened that I said it when I was disappointed at not having found out such a line which describes it perfectly...but you see, beauty never goes in gave me something to begin with. Cheers.

The past two days have been one of the most significant days in my life up til now. Yesterday, I did a li'l too much than my normal routine.
It so happened, that I had to go and meet someone as a part of my day's plan. I got ready for it and was all set to meet the person. But this day was destined to be knocking at my head for some reason, which I knew not of.
After a couple of venue changes, I finally reached a mutually decided venue; but probably I wasn't ready for what was yet to come.
The Almighty always makes His presence felt in some way or the other. This time it was a lady through which he made me realize what a beautiful world it is. I don't say You'll find no other lady as good looking as her, but its hard to find a lady so perfect as herself... You're beautiful...oh its true.

I heard that voice before, and I did feel a sense of appreciated beauty in it. But after seeing it, I can say, there was nothing in this world which can be termed as nearest to perfection, if not her.

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." I heard it before, but I confronted it the first time. It was a complete blend of politeness, maturity, personality, rationality, ethical, virtue, goodness, morality, humility, and beauty. Never before I came across such a creation which was so near to perfection.
My words aren't strong enough to describe what it was like. Her voice was so pleasing like sugar melted into ears. But till now, where you still haven't received the complete picture of the story, I'd like to continue, where I left, just to make you understand...why she was "The Most Beautiful Lady in this world!!!"

All these qualities in a woman only describes that she is beautiful. So what?!? We've seen enough beautiful ladies to be impressed at something. So the it didn't make me respect it. But the point where I was wonder-struck was this:

When you see an image kept too long under the direct forces of fades away with time. But when you see it as fresh as ever and still maintaining its most prized virtue, its good heart, you are left speechless!!
Under the constant adversities of the world, under the pressures of unbearable loads on weak shoulders and in conditions where not many of us would have survived....she not only resisted but also kept her most valuable assets with herself- her good heart, her politeness and her evergreen smile with her.
A good face reader will tell you what I'm talking about...her eyes told me that there is always more to it than all that meet the eye. A smile can be contagious and can deceive anybody, but you need to look beyond that. I, however, was aware even before meeting her that somethings in life are harsh and not right. But after seeing her, my respect for her knew no limits..
Such a prized beauty....and yet so down to earth, so humble and the best part is that she is always positive that everything gonna be alright.
I pray to the Almighty, that when He creates something magnificent, he should be there to take care of it. I wouldn't hesitate in saying that she was one of the most good natured beings I ever met. The fact is that I actually met her, because of her nature.

I would not search the web for a picture to describe The most Beautiful Lady in this world. I just witnessed her. And the Perfect Blend of nature, goodness, humility and beauty makes THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LADY in this world. :) God Bless!!

"The Most Beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched...they can just be felt."