Sunday, November 29, 2009

CAT trapped by the MOUSE!!

I don't know why I am posting this blog right now. Probably the frustration is beginning to mount again on me. Yesterday was like hell for me. The minutes flew away when I wanted them to stay.....and the clock ticking heavily when I wanted it to pass.
And today....finally the D-DAY arrived, bringing a smile on my face when I woke up this morning. I was waiting for it from the last two years, and here it front of me!! All I had to do was to Armour myself up for the battle which was about to start at 1000 hours.
Looked myself in the mirror and said..All set...come on! This is your Day..Go and have your share today!!
But in this excitement, I really forgot....its the CAT! The most certain thing about CAT is uncertainty. They announced the computer based format nearly six months ago.....confirmed it in August when probably everybody thought the Computer based test cannot be conducted in such a short period of time! But obviously...its CAT!!
They did it! Yes its computer based finally, like GMAT!

So I woke this morning with an enthusiasm as if I were going to the biggest battle of my life, an I knew it was the last....tried to give it a good fight anyhow, for I have been waiting for it! Guess what?? The paper at my site test code got cancelled...Reason?? Technical errors.....

Such a stupidity in CAT? Cannot believe it...after all uncertainty was expected...and the CAT didn't leave us disappointed.

2.4 lakhs students appearing for the CAT 09, and they don't have a backup. First day, the paper at eight cities got cancelled and was promised to be rescheduled but no one has any clue when will it be! The question is will the students be comfortable with the new timings? The placement seasons have begun University semesters are arriving just after the official end date of CAT and the prometric doesn't have any idea when the rescheduling will take place! The aspirants didn't get a date, no text and no email (most of them). What are the students supposed to do now! The temple of brilliance is trapped in its own web!
Making the CAT online backfired, where 2.4 lakhs aspirants are appearing, with no backup of such kind..

But Stil...I mean Come on!! Its CAT...trapped by the MOUSE!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

YOU don't look back in Life...Life looks back at YOU!!

If you're disheartened...feeling weak, lost your everything in life.... thinking of giving up? Then this is exactly the right place for you to be. You're reading it. But you're feeling you might feel better and motivated after reading it! Then the answer is NO!!
You're thinking to give up? Why did you held on for so long? I would have suggested you to give it up right then! You know why you held on? Coz You were not ready to lose! That spirit shouldn't fade away....actually it never does...our belief does. Strength of holding up doesn't come from your comes from your heart!! Its true and proven scientifically!!
There might have been books that you may have read to motivate yourself...but that fizzes out soon after you end with the book. The enthusiasm in you after reading this will also fizz out when you end with this post. I'm not here to motivate you! I'm here to tell you!
I don't write here to make my traffic. I write here coz it may be needed by someone!
Reading books and lectures don't motivate you; and neither does reading blogs! Its YOU!! And finally YOU!! that motivates yourself!
If you think to Win! You Will....If you think you've had enough!! You really have...If you think you can!! If you think you cannot?? You're right!! It all comes back to YOU in the end! Why will somebody else tell you what you ought to do? Why Will somebody else's words influence you to do the things YOU haven't done? Well, if YOU do it later....just think...It's ultimately YOU!! You could have done it earlier.
If its not in your hand, you wait for some time and then if YOU think you won't be able to get a desired result you move on!! Why did you wait then? To ultimately move on? If only YOU had thought You won't move unless YOU have it YOUR way.....the story would have been different! I am not preaching! I am telling What "I" did!!!
It was "MY" way and "MY" life...I'll have results "MY" own way!! So why the hell should I give up? This might well be MY last chance....I'll do it MY way. That's what I did...that's what I got!!
You got to believe in yourself. It might be anything. You got to believe YOUR way will do it for YOU! Giving up are the habits started by the weaker people who are in majority today!! That's not the only way! YOU have to keep faith in YOUR GUT FEELING! If YOU think staring at the Rock will make it weep, It Will! Just Keep staring...I Bet!
Its just YOU! Don't let any others decision influence YOU, YOUR LIFE!! Not even the words of this blog if you think so!

"Being PRACTICAL" is the most misused word in the world today! No such thing Exists! What do you actually mean by Practicality? The Things which you do are- PRACTICAL. Someone says, you cannot jump off your terrace...Be Practical!! Show him what practicality is! That will be a very wierd thing though, but it certainly proves PRACTICALITY! Other says, you cannot do it...BE PRACTICAL!! Just shut his mouth. Nothing is practical!! Its just what YOU do!!
YOU want it!! Then Go....Get it!! The doors of practicality opens when you've already done that thing!! All the way in YOUR life..Its Just YOU!! Why will you follow somebody else? That's the reason why YOU were not born attached to someone else!! You look different from all others!! Why? Coz YOU are YOU!! And nobody can be YOU!! So better don't let anybody tell YOU...what are YOU...who are YOU...what should YOU do...and how should YOU do!!!
YOU don't look back in life...Life looks back at YOU!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Thanx for the go and find a new one"

Its more than 4 o'clock in the morning and waking up writing this blog on one of the most touching movies I ever saw. The movie is called "UP". Its an animated Pixar production movie. Don't have words to describe this one!! Even though, being animated, it is capable enough to roll down your tears like fresh water droplets on a lily.
The movie is special in just more than one way. It starts with the dreams of a boy and a girl who wish to explore the world. Their dream is to reside in a house over the mountains in South America, beside the "Paradise Falls, a land lost in time". However, they do not know how to reach there. But the boy promises that he will take the girl to that place. The movie proceeds in no time showing those two kids grow up, getting married, living a happy life, and trying to collect some money for their dream adventure (which actually never turns up the way they thought).....and finally one day the she dies giving her old husband her book which she calls as her "Adventure book". She collected her dreams inside that book which never came true in her lifetime. Yet they lived a happy life as a couple.
Frustrated by the circumstances later in his life, the protagonist of the story decides to fly his house through balloons to that place. During the journey, he met a speaking Dog, a beautiful Bird, and a Kid who are instrumental in taking the story forward. After many obstacles, his determination yielded results and he finally was successful in landing the house to the desired place. At this emotional moment, he took out the Adventure book which her wife gave her. There was a section in that book,"Stuffs that I'm gonna do". He turned the pages and found the memories of her happy moments with her wife. He was in pain as the dream which finally came true, was at the time when "THE PERSON" of that vision was no more in the world. There was no one to cherish that moment. All her life she desired to be there, and when its finally there, it doesn't even matter. But she was amazed to see that the Section,"Stuffs that I'm gonna do" was filled with the memories of the moments they spent together...with each other!! And, at the End there was a message, "Thanx for the Adventure, Now go and find a new one." The story stills continues beyond this. But to me, this was the most touching part in the whole movie.
People spend their lives chasing their ultimate goals and wildest fantasies, but what they never realize is that they are missing on the best adventure called life. Life isn't about reaching the destination, its about the journey of reaching it! The sense of achievement will soon be over, but we never forget the memories we had during that. This movie is a perfect example. I couldn't help getting emotional. Try to bite your inner cheeks while watching it!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Most Beautiful Lady in this World

"The Best part of beauty is that no picture can express."
"The most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched...they can just be felt"
"Beauty is not caused. It is"

For the last 5 hours, I have been trying to find the quote that perfectly describes the wonder and the appreciation for the most beautiful thing you ever saw. But I gave up. Soon I realised I must not start this post up with a quote. And accidentally I uttered a reason for it:

"I have Realised that finding a quote for the most beautiful thing in this world, is actually hampering its beauty..."

These were the perfect lines which described it for this post, and it happened that I said it when I was disappointed at not having found out such a line which describes it perfectly...but you see, beauty never goes in gave me something to begin with. Cheers.

The past two days have been one of the most significant days in my life up til now. Yesterday, I did a li'l too much than my normal routine.
It so happened, that I had to go and meet someone as a part of my day's plan. I got ready for it and was all set to meet the person. But this day was destined to be knocking at my head for some reason, which I knew not of.
After a couple of venue changes, I finally reached a mutually decided venue; but probably I wasn't ready for what was yet to come.
The Almighty always makes His presence felt in some way or the other. This time it was a lady through which he made me realize what a beautiful world it is. I don't say You'll find no other lady as good looking as her, but its hard to find a lady so perfect as herself... You're beautiful...oh its true.

I heard that voice before, and I did feel a sense of appreciated beauty in it. But after seeing it, I can say, there was nothing in this world which can be termed as nearest to perfection, if not her.

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." I heard it before, but I confronted it the first time. It was a complete blend of politeness, maturity, personality, rationality, ethical, virtue, goodness, morality, humility, and beauty. Never before I came across such a creation which was so near to perfection.
My words aren't strong enough to describe what it was like. Her voice was so pleasing like sugar melted into ears. But till now, where you still haven't received the complete picture of the story, I'd like to continue, where I left, just to make you understand...why she was "The Most Beautiful Lady in this world!!!"

All these qualities in a woman only describes that she is beautiful. So what?!? We've seen enough beautiful ladies to be impressed at something. So the it didn't make me respect it. But the point where I was wonder-struck was this:

When you see an image kept too long under the direct forces of fades away with time. But when you see it as fresh as ever and still maintaining its most prized virtue, its good heart, you are left speechless!!
Under the constant adversities of the world, under the pressures of unbearable loads on weak shoulders and in conditions where not many of us would have survived....she not only resisted but also kept her most valuable assets with herself- her good heart, her politeness and her evergreen smile with her.
A good face reader will tell you what I'm talking about...her eyes told me that there is always more to it than all that meet the eye. A smile can be contagious and can deceive anybody, but you need to look beyond that. I, however, was aware even before meeting her that somethings in life are harsh and not right. But after seeing her, my respect for her knew no limits..
Such a prized beauty....and yet so down to earth, so humble and the best part is that she is always positive that everything gonna be alright.
I pray to the Almighty, that when He creates something magnificent, he should be there to take care of it. I wouldn't hesitate in saying that she was one of the most good natured beings I ever met. The fact is that I actually met her, because of her nature.

I would not search the web for a picture to describe The most Beautiful Lady in this world. I just witnessed her. And the Perfect Blend of nature, goodness, humility and beauty makes THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LADY in this world. :) God Bless!!

"The Most Beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched...they can just be felt."

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Amazing Flash Mind Reader


Play more games at

This was one of the most better stuffs I thought I had seen when I didn't know what was behind the curtains!!
But When you are deeply focused to find out the trick, you don't think that there is any way possible you can not do it!!!(Of course I am talking about the optimistic ones....)
And when you get the puzzled solved, you think this is as foolish as you were!
But really we should all appreciate the creator of this amazing mind reader...he was always one step ahead of us!! :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Life is But a Midsummer's Night Dream

Last Night I had a dream. A dream which sounded so stupid when talked
Align Left
about but at the same created something very special within. Something very touchy. Something we do not think of usually.
The Dream was about my school- Seth M.R. Jaipuria school, Lucknow...which ranks among the top schools in India. Whenever someone asks about us, we proudly say....that we are Jaipurians. Its a very special feeling I cannot describe, and I'm sure....most of the Jaipurians will agree with me.
Anyways, let me begin with the dream. So here it goes:
I was sleeping when my mother woke me up saying there is a call for me. I thought about a moment, why will somebody call me up on the fixed line when they all know my cell number?(Of course, it was a dream, so some stupidity is bound to arise. So please keep patience and get on with it!) Never mind. I received the call and some lady with a feeble voice was at the other end. She inquired me about my identity. Finally she said, "Mr. you know it has been four years since the time you passed out from the Jaipuria School, so it's time for you to attend your last ceremony at the Jaipuria campus, after which your name will be forever deleted from the list of the students who ever studied in the school. If you wish to come, then please let me know by tomorrow. Also, forward this message to the students of your batch who might not get the message. Thank you."
So, the day had finally come. After every four years, a batch was eliminated from the Jaipurian memory forever. It would never be heard of again. We didn't actually know why they did it....but we guess that it was their method to clean out the unnecessary information stored in their central memory unit. We all found it weird while we were in the school. But soon we got used to it having seen 10-12 batches reuniting every year for the same purpose. We thought it would be the happiest day of our lives as we won't have to do anything regarding the place, which made our lives hell at school, in the future. But that was the time when we talked about leaving the school as soon as possible and never ever coming back again. But you see, it is all very different when you face that day.
It was a fine Sunday. But the school was open for all those who wanted to come to see and meet us. As expected, very few of them were interested. After all, we had passed through the same age. The school buses were available and running to the stops wherever they were instructed. Meeting the same old friends in the school bus gave quite a nostalgia. The only difference was that we were not in our uniforms which we wore for 12 years. We hugged each other, asking them where they were presently and their future plans etc. etc. all....but with a kip biting effort to control our emotions which would have overflowed any moment. It was still an hour to go before our bus...(Root number 5) would reach the campus. The driver was also the same with a fair amount of wrinkles underneath his eyes. He recognised us easily, saying,"Aur ustaad....kaise ho?" And we all had the same answer,"Bas badhiya...aap sunao." We thought we would discuss about so much things when we will meet together. But those moments of seeing each other become so mature in these four years hardly left us with something to say much.
Ahh!! here we arrived. 6 buses already came before and 2 were still awaited. We got down saying to the driver,"Aaj haar gaye. Baki sab pehle aa gaye." It was the last time we would have ever said that. We would have liked to be the first ones. But then, that didn't matter much.
And My Alma-Mater had changed quite a lot in these years. New buildings had taken the place of the canteen. The Bus stop had been shifted to the back-side. Everything was so new there. Only the fragrance and the essence of it was still the same. As we entered the big gate, the same old noise would make us feel that we had to stay there for 8 more hours. But this time it was different. We were allowed 12 hours....where we found 8 hours as heavy as Olympus. What an irony! But these 12 hours seemed so less.
Life is full of surprises.....we cry entering the school for the first time when we don't want to go there....and we cry leaving it, when we don't want to leave it! The irony of fate is this, whatever we do...we have a reason to justify ourselves.
Our staffs were still the same...most of them. New ones, we didn't know them but still tried to figure out,"Have I forgotten him? Who was he?" But at that point we were sure, we will remember each and every face we saw. Our old colleagues were back, all in formal wears, looking like working professionals. We would have called them uncle when we were in the school. But here we stand gazing how handsome they look now. Not to mention, our Jaipurian beauties all in Sari. Looking like the prettiest faces in the world. Our first loves, some of them still committed and some.......... The girls, whom we stared all along when we walked through the galleries; whom we whistled wherever we saw them with them hair open; and whom we proposed sitting on our knees with a flower in our hands, expecting a love life to begin. They were looking hell gorgeous. But there was a hitch when we talked to them. It wasn't like those days, where we would have talked shamelessly with a smile on our faces. Something was different. Probably the time was.
We visited every place in the school together, with the words such as,"Yaad hai, yahaan par.........". A few of us with our first loves, sitting in the children's park and talking about their present lives. The Casanovas were the Casanovas no more. While walking everywhere in the school, we didn't dare to touch the hands of those girls with whom we walked hand in hand through the verandas. Everything was so different. We tried to get over the hitch. But weren't able to. It was bigger than the doomsday. We never wanted to leave it like this. But it was a part of the Jaipurian tradition. We had to end it up like that. The Mud pools were still filled due to the showers that took place the previous night. The fragrance of Jaipuria was still rich and forever will be, as it has been for the past one and a half decades or so.
The Yoga by Baba Ramdev on the television set woke me up. Woke me up from a place where I wanted to be forever. When I woke up, I found my eyes filled with water. It was the "Magic". The Magic of a place which help us become whatever we are now. Thank God I'll never have to end up with "My Jaipuria" like the way I saw. Life is...but...a Midsummer Night's Dream. A dream worth dreaming....where we don't wanna wake up...and still continue with it...keeping aside all the ups and downs we experienced!

Friday, June 26, 2009

A TriBute To "The King of PoP- Micheal Jackson"

Last night at around 3:30..I was surfing the net when a Distant friend of mine told me that Micheal Jackson left this world. A cardiac arrest is told to be the reason for his death. A sad end for such a successful career. This was bigger than Elvis. Micheal Jackson- A true legend; a man who gave a new definition to the pop world. His all famous "Moon Walk" which is still copied by dancers all around the world, lost its originator.
Whenever he lived, he lived and followed his dreams. What better can we explain the fact that people all around the globe imitated him, followed him...wanted to be like him. But he was a person who never believed in imitating. All throughout his life, controversies followed him. But may he now get what he deserved. Whatever he gave to

the world, is no hidden fact. He still holds the record of the most sold album in the world. But he showed us how to follow our hearts, our dreams till the very fullest. People may talk crap about him, may consider him whatever they want to. But they know, they can never be, what he has been. Only those persons are criticized and hated, who are the most talked about people. No one criticizes a "Nobody"...He showed us how to be "Somebody". He never cared what the others thought him to be. He just kept doing what he loved the most- his most passionate desire- His Music.
As long as alive, people didn't realize his true worth. This is true. And when people go away, we are there to say that we are shocked. No one realizes the worth of a person as long as he is alive. That is the saddest part. Some people will always criticize. What an attitude!!
If got you gotta be the man..then be somebody.

He was just 50. And nobody knew he would be leaving so soon. Actually no one ever thought about it. But there is a lesson to be learned....think about it!!!
This life is too short to predict anything. Go and chase your dreams because you never know when will the bird fly out of the cage. You don't have the keys to it. Somebody else has it and we are given a chance to do in this span of lifetime. Do not blow it.
It is a shock to the music industry. Its a black day for the music lovers. Let us all pray he may get what he never got in this life. Heavens!!

"Heel the world...Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race. There are people dying.... if you care enough for the living. Make a better place for you and for me.."
These immortal lines will live forever.
MJ- Rest in Peace!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The World Beyond this World

It was the sixth time I watched "The Pirates of the carrebean at world's End" yesterday. And each time I watch t I get fascinated about the Idea of a different world. The story, so beautifully, explains the existence "The lockers of Davy Jones" that even an uninterested person thinks for a moment of the world beyond this world. No one has yet measured the depth of the oceans!! What if the way to the next world goes through the same ocean beds? Where the sunset in that world is followed by the sunrise here in our world? It is so hard to wonder at the innovation of the creator.
Can there be a place like the lockers of Davy Jones- where a flash of green signifies the arrival of someone from the other world to our world?
Often I wonder, the natives of the other world assumes us to be ghosts as we assume them to be?
Its worth thinking about!!! ;)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Say What you Need to Say..."

"Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all your so called problems
Better put 'em in quotations

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to saaaay...

Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead

If you could only
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to saaay...

Have no fear
For giving in
Have no fear
For giving over
You better know that in the end
It's better to say too much
Then never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open... wide...

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to
Say what you need to
Say what you need to say..."

I Don't Need to Say anything to explain this...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Should we change our national game from Hockey to cricket?

Recently we had a Group discussion on this topic. Everybody in there was supporting the point that cricket should replace Hockey as the national game of India. Somehow I wasn't comfortable with that. Maybe it was the Indian within me which supported hockey, I can't say about that. But what hurt me the most was that the one or the two supporting Hockey weren't able to defend their points. We needed a saviour for for hockey at the GD..but none was good enough to be the "ONE".
There were some good points supporting cricket. Its no more a game in India. Its become a religion. It is "D" only game which integrates the whole nation at one stand which is the most difficult task to do in todays world. In a country where the bloody politicians are busy widening the rifts between the people to fill their vote banks; where terrorists are targetting a paticular religion and the blame for such incidents are forced on other the part of other religions; where differences are created in the name of region and language; where the surrounding countries always threaten to tresspass the borders and step in our country to make things worse, CRICKET is the only medium to get this nation going. Do you remember the celebrations after we won the T-20 world cup? It is unforgetable.
But there is a loop in the above mentioned positives. Cricket has always been kept away from major politics. The BCCI has always supported and advertised cricket. This has reched a place where it can not be pulled down so easily. It has been welcomed by all. But all these acheivements in the game of cricket are coming only when it has reached the peak of its popularity. Hockey has been F****ed up by the bloody politics. It is getting no sponsorships. When our hockey team wins a cup, our hockey players get Rs. 500 per head from the governments whereas the cricketers turn millionaires within one night. Is it a fair call? We recognize the cricketers in the crowd but we don't recognize the hockey players even in silent streets. Why are we witnessing such a day?
Cricket is played by a handful nations in the world. The only games in this world today are Soccer and Hockey. Its perfectly allright that Cricket is bringing laurels to this nation, but when?? Its today. Still the Indian cricket team is searching for its second world cup in the one day format. Whereas, Hockey team has 8 Olympic golds to its name in the past which includes the biggest winning margin of 38-2 in the Olympics. Its because of Indian hockey that Elizabeth didn't allow the British to play Hockey to lose to such a nation which was held captive by them.
Indian Hockey has seen players like Major Dhyan Chand, who was forced to change his hockey sticks during a match several times as they thought there might be a Magnet attached to it!!!!!!
This was Hockey and its glorious history my friends, and they think of replacing it with Cricket as our national game? What if tomorrow cricket loses its charm and we think replacing the national game again? If the Indian Tiger is on the verge of extinction today, so instead of helping it, we change our national animal??
Hockey was born in India. Have some respect to it fellowmen!! We don't stop to love our mother if she becomes ugly with age. Cricket was brought to India by the British. We give so much respect to a guest who has become a permanent member of our family and we ridicule our own who need help? Don't forget that Hockey brought laurrels to the nation when India was struggling for almost everything. It was the one which brought the nation together in the form of the only entertainment we had then!! It was a game which united us to fight for our independence!!

The winning of the Olympic Gold was the Cry of a Nation which was struggling to get its feet on the grounds. Ask yourself, can we Change our Identity for the sake of popularity?

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Changing face of examination!!

Exam Time is on our heads changing our schedule of the fun. The pressure of the word,'Examination' itself gives a monmentary shock. Very few people I met, said that they love giving examination, while some of them have a dilemma regarding that!
As far as I am concerned, I hate exams. I wait for the time when I would be giving my final examination and I'd get the licence to throw away my course books into the river.
Academically, I have never been that active. The reality is that I never wanted to be. I found it to be a waste of time....seriously!! But as one gets mature one finds the importance of academics. One has to be learned enough to be known as a learned. The careers of most of us depends upon that ( I wish mine does not). I have observed, as a child grows, he becomes used to these examinations. A student does not give such huge weightage to examinations. Thats is probably 'cause of the experience he gains through this life.
Todays children, are becoming smarter than the previous generation.They understand that its not a big deal to crack examinations. A smarter guy can do it with ease without using unfair means. Nowadays, most of them are smart enough.
Gradually, the face of examinations are changing. in a fast moving world,many options are available to guys other than academic qualifications. Lucky are thoseguys who are born in such a world, and luckier will be the guys who will be born after this!!! Good-luck!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

IPL Season 2.

Its been quite some time now. The IPL-2 is the hottest news on the board. Its not being hosted in India- of course that being the saddest part. But this type of cricket certainly shows some points to take a look at.
Firstly, all the owners are so much concerned about winning rather than enjoying the game. Thats understood as they've put in a lot of money on that. What is amazing to note, that the owner of the Rajasthan Royals, Ms. Shilpa Shetty, kicked out Mohd. Kaif from their side- the most expensive player in their team. First, you gotta throw in a lot of money for a player and then you kick him out before the season starts. That's irrational. Sourav Ganguly, from the KKR team has been through such a phase. Although he is in the team but his status is not the same. First paraising and then kicking..that's what been observed so far. This shows how much desparate and confused the owners are. Will this help their cause?? Of course, the winner can just be one!!!
Secondly, did you notice the feilding standards of the Indian players this season. Yes, they've not been good in the past...but they're worse now. It's all happening with the Indians. They dropping sitters, misfeilding, and even the wichet keepers are using buttery hands on the field. Ahhh!! is this good for Indian cricket in any way?

Check out for the next one..It'll be on the same issue.
Tarunendra Pratap Singh.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Giving New Dimensions

Hello Everybody!!! Here I am once wings to my imagination.
Recently, I created some videos...Not too Good for professionals. But it was worth a start.
One is the Famous song by Hoobastank- The Reason.
Another Two are the Backstreet Rocker-Everybody and the Celine Dion sung "Thats the way it is!!"

The reason is my first I liked the theme and the music.
The rest kept on becoming better and better. Except for the "Everybody" video...all other are just based on me.
I'm looking forward to the day when I'll be making my originals...
Till then YOu can tahe care of this!!!!