It arises from a psychological state of self deprivation which further leads to a mindset. This mindset if not mended may lead to depression. A recent survey has shown that this complex is very common among the females. Although, even males have it, but they tend to shrug it off gradually, whereas in case of females they tend to stick to it unless they find themselves tangled up in a deep psychological mess.
My curiosity has always been the origin and the development of this complex. I've found that lack of information, knowledge and financial barriers are the major issues through which this complex breeds. Apart from it, the people with up-to-date knowledge, correct information, and people with high societal and financial status can also be a victim of I.C. due to factors like looks, and their own perception of people's thinking.
The latter is the case which haunts people of all classes and statuses. This is where the situation gets tricky. Just when a person starts thinking what reactions will my actions yield, your mind lands you up in a space called "Complex". It can be either a superiority or an inferiority complex. The I.C. takes over your brain when you start defending your actions even before you've played it. That's where your mind slopes you down to the I.C. Now once you're in a state of the inferiority complex, it is being like in a deep hole where you cannot easily climb up. It works just like Gravity. It's very easy to fall in... and very tough to overcome it.
There are only two ways you can really overcome the I.C.- one is the Hard way...and other is the Harder way. The Hard way suggests you face it. Let time do its job. Face your fears till you get used to it. It may have fatal effects, but it works... it takes time but it really works. Once you get used to it, your mind works as a force of nature to even up that hole you've fallen into. As time progresses, the hole shallows out. It immediately transfers it all to an entirely new space of "Experiences". And this helps you in the long run. Nevertheless, you may say, that you're never out of the pit... but you just get used to it. This works entirely opposite to the real world. This is your mind. It works as you want it to.
Now comes the Harder way. Believe it or not, the former way is easier than this. This is a way where you crawl back with everything you've got to get out of that pit as soon as possible. That's because you can't wait. You are impatient. This is where it gets harder for you. You put every ounce of your energy to focus on coming out of it. Stop living by the results of other people's opinion. You take nothing from the world. You make your own way. You force your mind or rather your mind makes you believe that anything you sense is not going to effect you in any ways whatsoever. Your mind starts denying the offerings made by the world to you. That's where you go against the world in your own mind and against your mind outside (in the world).
You start denying something which your mind has observed to be true. But you forget that its your mind afterall, and it believes what you want it to believe. Make your mind your slave, Stop being the slave of your mind. That's where you're freed from all types of Complexes.
You'll only get over it when you start thinking that you're beautiful in a way you know yourself to be.. And you don't need a certificate from anyone for it. It's only then you'll be able to keep it aside and realize that this ain't important one bit. You got many other useful things to do than to ponder upon it. A smart and a successful person who is overflowed by achievements always seem beautiful to every eye in the world. Remember that.
Very impressive tarun...i lykd the last bit the most...
I gave it a thought to blog it ony after the last night.
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