You're thinking to give up? Why did you held on for so long? I would have suggested you to give it up right then! You know why you held on? Coz You were not ready to lose! That spirit shouldn't fade away....actually it never does...our belief does. Strength of holding up doesn't come from your muscles...it comes from your heart!! Its true and proven scientifically!!
There might have been books that you may have read to motivate yourself...but that fizzes out soon after you end with the book. The enthusiasm in you after reading this will also fizz out when you end with this post. I'm not here to motivate you! I'm here to tell you!
I don't write here to make my traffic. I write here coz it may be needed by someone!
Reading books and lectures don't motivate you; and neither does reading blogs! Its YOU!! And finally YOU!! that motivates yourself!
If you think to Win! You Will....If you think you've had enough!! You really have...If you think you can...you can!! If you think you cannot?? You're right!! It all comes back to YOU in the end! Why will somebody else tell you what you ought to do? Why Will somebody else's words influence you to do the things YOU haven't done? Well, if YOU do it later....just think...It's ultimately YOU!! You could have done it earlier.
If its not in your hand, you wait for some time and then if YOU think you won't be able to get a desired result you move on!! Why did you wait then? To ultimately move on? If only YOU had thought You won't move unless YOU have it YOUR way.....the story would have been different! I am not preaching! I am telling What "I" did!!!
It was "MY" way and "MY" life...I'll have results "MY" own way!! So why the hell should I give up? This might well be MY last chance....I'll do it MY way. That's what I did...that's what I got!!
You got to believe in yourself. It might be anything. You got to believe YOUR way will do it for YOU! Giving up are the habits started by the weaker people who are in majority today!! That's not the only way! YOU have to keep faith in YOUR GUT FEELING! If YOU think staring at the Rock will make it weep, It Will! Just Keep staring...I Bet!
Its just YOU! Don't let any others decision influence YOU, YOUR LIFE!! Not even the words of this blog if you think so!
"Being PRACTICAL" is the most misused word in the world today! No such thing Exists! What do you actually mean by Practicality? The Things which you do are- PRACTICAL. Someone says, you cannot jump off your terrace...Be Practical!! Show him what practicality is! That will be a very wierd thing though, but it certainly proves PRACTICALITY! Other says, you cannot do it...BE PRACTICAL!! Just shut his mouth. Nothing is practical!! Its just what YOU do!!
YOU want it!! Then Go....Get it!! The doors of practicality opens when you've already done that thing!! All the way in YOUR life..Its Just YOU!! Why will you follow somebody else? That's the reason why YOU were not born attached to someone else!! You look different from all others!! Why? Coz YOU are YOU!! And nobody can be YOU!! So better don't let anybody tell YOU...what are YOU...who are YOU...what should YOU do...and how should YOU do!!!
YOU don't look back in life...Life looks back at YOU!!!
If you're disheartened...feeling weak, lost your everything in life.... thinking of giving up? Then this is exactly the right place for you to be. You're reading it. AND TRUST ME....U'LL DEFINITELY FEEL BETTER & MOTIVATED after reading it....
well a pigment on this figment...u ryt well...dats visible..but
"Reading books and lectures don't motivate you; and neither does reading blogs!"...unfortunately i m reading dis...!!..ooops...;)
That's why I mentioned it specifically dude... I don't write to generate traffic... and if you are not motivated by your own self, then nothing would be able to help you... not even what you just read!
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