Isn't it good to learn something new every day?
I wake up every morning with a blank mind so that I may be able to scribble anything over it to learn something each day... and trust me, may day starts with a smile each day. (Touch-wood!)
I learned something new today. The psychology of a person plays such a vital role in conditioning their surroundings! It's so amazing that people who might have so much in common may see the same story in a different perspective altogether.
The more you look at it that way, the more you tend to believe, that there is nothing "WRONG" or "RIGHT" in this world... it's just a matter of how you perceive things. Each person is right in his/her own way whereas it can never be the same for others. The most important inference we get from it is that no person is ever bad or evil. Every one has some values which one follows. Its a matter of time which value gets the better of other in the same frame. What may seem like unethical to someone might be necessity for some other on that moment. No person can ever be wrong! There is a conscience within each of us and its very hard for a person to go against it.
So if you ever think that somebody is an idiot, fool, stupid or a simpleton for that matter... think again! There are bound to be some circumstances for each step someone takes. If that step doesn't appeal to you that simply means that you are not in the same condition as the other is or you are just groomed and conditioned in a different manner with different necessities.
EMOTIONS..... These are the strongest and the weakest virtues a human can ever possess. Interesting! Emotions compel a human to take any big or small step whatsoever, and you know that pretty well... don't you? ANGER is one such emotion. Personally, I love it!! Anger can make me do the most weirdest of things and things which I would have only gazed upon in awe...
Some interesting theories on the "Threshold of tolerance" inspired me so much, I couldn't resist to share. Every person has a limited threshold of tolerance... which depends on person to person. The way our necessities shape up to be are a result of our grooming, conditioning, perception and many other things which a second person won't ever be able to understand fully. So it's not possible to ask somebody to step in somebody else's shoes and see things from their perspective.
Every person is different from other and every person is good enough to be good in their ways. The threshold of tolerance plays a vital role in assuming, presuming, or making a perception about different individuals. A joke might be tolerated from "A" to you whereas you might not tolerate the same joke from an equally known "B". A wife may not speak up for domestic violence for 25 years of marriage but she might get up some day all guns blazing for an issue that shouldn't have provoked her any other day. There are "n" number of reasons for a thing and "n" number of solutions for the same. So anger is something which does not erupt all of a sudden... it is the process of formation of certain layers of resentment over a period of time inside the volcano... And a Volcano cannot remain Dormant forever. Someday or the other it has to erupt. And the frequency of its eruption depends on how high or how low is the Threshold of Tolerance... which again depends on "n" number of factors such as grooming, shaping, necessities, background etc. Complicated!!!
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