HeLlo...Once again...Sorry for such a late publish. ToDay's TopiC Is About MuSic.. My Soul, My Life...and probably yours too..
I Have always believed Music to be a soul raver...To Me Music is something which touches your soul.. your heart, your life.. I'm Not a good appreciator of the metal genre of music.. For me, music should have a calming as well as an enthusiastic effect on you.. not just fucking the throat out of the vocalist just to rock the audience or you may say tearing their eardrums!!
Anyways...I Do Like the Rock Versions and I'm pretty sure that You are into it as well. Every singer is a great talent..Every Genuine singer!! I respect them all. But among them them has always been a favourite....Enrique..Enrique Iglesias..
The best part of his singing has always been his soulful singing. Even though his lyrics and music have been equally good; but a soulful singing can do wonders even if the music and lyrics are ordinary. Every time I hear him, I get a feeling that I can Hear him for the next 500 years and still be listening.
These days, a new musician is acheiving great heights..John mayer. He is the next delight. Recently he won the grammy for his "Say"- a beautiful Song. Soothing Voice is a trade mark of his personality. Sources claim that he is equally polite and down to earth. I have been trying to know more about him
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