Iam rejuvenated and all set for my chapter no. 2 in this space...Last night I finished with CHETAN BHAGAT'S bestseller...."five point someone".And I must admit, he is a phenomenal writer...The book doesn't even allow you to wipe your sweat in the climax...Few writter's have this quality..By the way...I m not here to post a review of the book, but to share something about these Five point somebodies.....The feeling i get when i try to analyse it all, is something beyond practicality but when the feeling is so pure, practicality doesn't work anymore.....
A heart like that of Prof Cherian can melt; life can get you away to somewhere even in the middle of nowhere;a life so precious can be given away just coz of a failure; a beautiful heart can win all odds; heart can be your power when mind denies it....There are a lot of things to be learned even from these five pointers... "The Greatest brains of te country are found at the last benches of the college premises"..saying by our honourable Ex-President Mr. A.P.J. Abdul KaLam..
Genius can even go jobless whereas a fatso may get the better of you...Temptations can't easily be resisted..if they would have had, they wouldn't have been named so. The Most Brilliant students of INDIA maybe of the world lead a pathetic mugging life in a period which they dream to be the best phase of their life??? horrible...isn't it? The ups and downs of the college life is a part of us...probably we would be laughing on the moments over which we cried then....and the moments we sat together and smiled, will bring tears in our eyes when we'd think of it in the future...
Many of us are of the opinion that students of weak academis backgrounds are better to be stayed away from....but its a matter of shear chance when these brilliant brains find out their standings in present and compare it to of those so called "WEAK"..ones
If I try to be honest with myself, I stand among these mediocres...But i always felt, there are no weaks and no strongs in any field...its just that academic part is given more attention..Its just the iterests which makes toppers and the floppers...Is it necessary that we have to rescrict our thinking just to the academic aspects? Probably this is the safest way of a secure career..But this way doesn't lead to the making of yet another Sachin Tendulkar,John Mayer, Mother Teresa, and TigerWoods.
The bondage of love is the greatest emotion one can feel in this love...Just Love is a permanent factor in this materialistic world...may sound like i'm just repeating good words..but when you find that its true.....u can do no more than to make others understand the same thing...have you ever thout that once you reach the peak...there is nowhere to go other than just waiting for your turn to fall??? But failures in life get you those chances and keep your hope of climbing to the top alive...like it or not...but a winner is the one who makes it possible leaving aside all odds....The greatness of a winner is judged by the resilliance of the champ...Bogged down by the circumstances, to stand up again and run: tumbling over a stone, falling down,getting up n runing again; struggling against the storm to make it.....That Is a ChamPion ....A true champ....and none other to describe my words...stand...Mr. AbRaHam LinColn.