Sometimes your life makes you understand too many things in a short period of time. This is one such moment. Sometimes you do realize that one mistake makes you learn a lot more than 100 other mistakes. Sometimes 2 days of struggle and hope makes you learn 200 things.. This is one such day.
Imagine about a situation where you should have won but you lost. Imagine about a situation where last 4 deliveries of an over could have made a difference had you been there till the end. One mistake and it can be all over.. Finished!!
It hurts when you know that you had the potential to do something great.. to make it big on your own but you weren't able to perform at a crucial stage. That feeling of being hurt and broken makes you ruminate and realize so many things you could have done to make it better. It reminds of one of the famous quotes,"There are no second takes in life.. Either you learn to pick the gauntlet up and fight or learn to surrender."
One missed catch, One brilliant effort in the field, One big shot, Avoiding one bad shot to get out. Being there till the end, Not giving that extra run... The list of such small things can for on and on without an end... but these things make you realize that your potential is of no use if you aren't able to show it at the right time. That's why life has no second takes... That's why... it's life!
Yes.. We lost a Cricket match today.. A match I had dreamed of playing and winning over the past one year. A match which could have gone our way but it didn't. A match to die for... shattered by such small things.
But it made me learn... your potential will just be of no use if it doesn't click at the time it is needed the most. When you know your opponent might not have ended on a winning note had one small thing gone your way. I wish I was there till the end.. I wish... I hadn't learned these 200 things in 2 days of hope and despair..
But the glass id always half full. These 200 things in 2 days won't be a waste in times to come.. Coz you know it within yourself.. You won't commit the same mistake again. I'll be back... And I'll be back with a vengeance... and harder the next time.. Be prepared... coz Life won't give a second take..