It was a fine evening today. A slight breeze was coming from the east with some clouds loomimg over the place where I was smoking with my friends. There was a sudden silence when a cool breeze caught everyone's attention, and I puffed the smoke fumes up into the breeze. I felt something very unusual at that very moment. No sooner did the breeze engulfed the smoke, than there was a hault in the air. The breeze came to an abrupt end making the sound of the crickets audible. An awkward silence persisted for about a minute when the wind regained its momentum. That was the very minute...
It was a minute in which my mind traveled beyond the eternity and back to the puff of the cigarette. A thought with a speed undefined changed the course of my mood for the whole day to come. A sudden thought it was...It was a thought that made my night sleepless and it is still playing on my mind. It was the fear of being the lonely one.
This life is highly over-rated. But no one knows what happens once we go beyond this life. Death on the other hand is very much under-rated. Just hold your breath and think about this for a moment. What if you die but you don't cease to exist? If your death doesn't cease your existence but just transfers your identity beyond this world where you may be able to perceive all living beings around you but you can't feel them or make them feel about your existence.
Try and imagine you being in the same world but different life-zones where you are the only one with the mortals all around you who aren't even aware of your existence on that very moment or that very place? Imagine yourself being in front of someone you love and really care and you can't tell them how much you miss them and how much you really want to be with them? You're trapped... for eternity! No one to talk to.. No one to share your feelings with.. Seeing your love in front of you and you can't even kiss them one last time.... You know they are in pain, but there is nothing you can do about it. Knowing that they're missing you at this time and shedding those precious drops for your sake wondering you were around, what could you have done? Only had you known it before... Only if... you knew it would happen this way.
I wonder how many souls would have been sitting there amidst that silent evening crying and watching us but there wasn't a bloody damn thing they could have done about it?
There are bound to be some things which might be inevitable... but you got some time today in your hands...
and that's called Life!!