Exam Time is on our heads changing our schedule of the fun. The pressure of the word,'Examination' itself gives a monmentary shock. Very few people I met, said that they love giving examination, while some of them have a dilemma regarding that!
As far as I am concerned, I hate exams. I wait for the time when I would be giving my final examination and I'd get the licence to throw away my course books into the river.
Academically, I have never been that active. The reality is that I never wanted to be. I found it to be a waste of time....seriously!! But as one gets mature one finds the importance of academics. One has to be learned enough to be known as a learned. The careers of most of us depends upon that ( I wish mine does not). I have observed, as a child grows, he becomes used to these examinations. A student does not give such huge weightage to examinations. Thats is probably 'cause of the experience he gains through this life.
Todays children, are becoming smarter than the previous generation.They understand that its not a big deal to crack examinations. A smarter guy can do it with ease without using unfair means. Nowadays, most of them are smart enough.
Gradually, the face of examinations are changing. in a fast moving world,many options are available to guys other than academic qualifications. Lucky are thoseguys who are born in such a world, and luckier will be the guys who will be born after this!!! Good-luck!!!