Friday, August 15, 2008

WeLcUm To InDia-1 BilLion PeOple cAnNot Be WronG..

WeLcUm To INDiA- 1 BilLiOn PeoPlE CanNoT bE WrOnG....

This day is a Natinal holiday in the INDIAN Calender. A Sense of pride overfills me whenever i live this day. Its been the 20th time in my life i am able to see this day. I Don't know how many such days i'll be able to witness in my life but its a fact no matter how many such days come and go...a feeling of being an indian will always be there in my heart and will provoke me to do something worth in this lifetime for my country.

Today is the 61st anniversary of our independence. I have been waiting to publish my post on this day. No better day would have done it. But something pinches me within when i think "IS THIS THE ONLY DAY OUT OF 365 ODD DAYS THAT OUR PATRIOTISM ARISES?" On a different day i woudn't have been thinking for my country with the same spirit? WHY? just because this has nothing to do directly with my career? I don't have an answer to it. This is a place where i can puke out all my frustrations.

Unity in Diversity is a perfect example of defining INDIA. It gives shelter to all religions in the world without discrimination. It feeds us and doesn't ask us for our colour. It gives us warmth, pleasure in disguise of rains and chilling winters to comfort ourselves from the long lasting heat. Such variety of wildlife and natural resources are hardly found in any other country.. U will find more than one U.K.,U.S.A. or france or japan....but u'll never find another INDIA. A cultural heritage to be proud of, rich diversity, mythologies, and a country which contributed an extraordinary 30% in the world's economy till the 18th century until it was captivated by the britons who were astonished by its wealth. The history is known by all...i'm not gonna share all that. But look from where has India picked itself up..after 60 years of indepence, it still contributes 9% in the world's economy which only a few countries have been able to achieve and that too under foreign influence. But in india where still 50% of people are uneducated, 33% below poverty line... INDIA is still something extraordinary.

Often through some external sources we come to know about the critisisms for our country. But as the line goes " No country is is to be made perfect". The enthusiasm we INDIANS possess to make the things possible is incredible..n its not my statement..its a fact. INDIA has reached the moon and back far back despite all odds. Our epics say prove we had the science and technology at that time when man lived in caves. We know how to prove ourselves in the crowd. We Won't be justa face in the crowd..U'll hear our voice when we shout it out aloud. We have given our soul to you mother..And we will give our lives when you need it. We INDIANS love you.. and our love knows no boundations. We Will Cut That Arms that point at you. We'll Tear those legs who steps on your soul. We Are Your Children And Will ForeVer be...In EvEry LifeTime.. We and our heoes won't give up..